Tuesday, October 19, 2010


So, I've been off of the internet for about 4 days....because of 2 reasons!
1) Priorities
2) I'm exhausted!

After 4 12-8/11-7 shifts in a row....I'm POOPED!

I am so sorry that I haven't posted anything lately! Looking at my traffic, I'm definitely letting some people down! :(

SO - tomorrow is the bathroom/bedroom post that we've all been waiting for - ok so maybe not...but still! AND then...the Craft room and a PEEK inside Kenny's MAN CAVE! This rooms are not yet complete - so I'm excited about getting that done!

Today, I wanted to mention priorities because they have been on my heart lately... I have been so off course when it comes to those - and really, are we EVER on course?
It seems like everyone is .... BUSY, tired, stuck in traffic, and their schedule is too full -so when does that stop?

Well, the truth is...it doesn't - it only gets more full!
The key is prioritizing! Now, I'm DEFINITELY not preaching on the matter becuase I'm not a prioritizer, but I really want to show the people I love that I do keep then in priority over my job, the internet, etc.

Not to say I don't LOVE LOVE LOVE hanging out online & chatting!

In order to fill the void at home - MAINLY because Kenny is off and I'm working (or have been!) - I've been leaving love notes! Poor guy is probably SUPER exhausted after working only to come home and find an empty house and chores staring him in the face!

He's my love, and I'm SO lucky to have him - AND he's my priority - to show this I've been leaving these -

and these -

Do you? Do you leave these for your priorities in your life? Remember when I added that to my 101 goals? I've seen a great response! :)

God included. I'm definitely not preaching on this either because I have a long way to go...but do you leave love notes for Him?

Here's what I found about priorities....

· What we can afford and how much time we can find all boil down to what’s important to us.

· Priorities aren’t spoken – they’re lived.

· So, let’s dig in and discover how to beat “busy”! I wholeheartedly believe that busyness is one of the biggest battles we must fight in our war on mediocrity. If mediocrity is the opposite of excellence, then busyness is the biggest enemy of excellence (followed closely by laziness and unawareness). But we must march into battle positioned to win. Warriors stand taller, walk stronger, and march with purpose when they know that victory awaits them. But they also know that they still must be willing to march into battle in order to actually claim the victory.

· Claiming busyness puts you in the passenger seat of your own life, because you’re just along for the ride, reacting to whatever is next on the schedule. Succumbing to busyness is a life of existing from day to day at the mercy of obligations that we’re not passionate about. [Found here: http://www.allisonlamarronline.com/digging-deeper.html]

So while we take the time to read blogs (believe me, I do too), go to work, sit on the couch and watch t.v., we must ask ourselves if our priorities are feeling like priorities today!

Wishing you the BEST day ever!

See you tomorrow!


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