Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Meet our newest addition!

Meet our house!

She's definitely a BEAUT! Super simple, tradition ranch style home sitting on less than an acre - Ha!
No, but REALLY we love her!

She's older than us (circa 1982), gray accents (our fav), and needs TONS 'O work...But we're up to the challenge! In fact, we've already proven ourselves to her - but you'll have to be patient to see the pics of our upgrades & remodeling!

A little over 1400 square feet, a 1 1/2 car garage (1 car and a lawn mower...OR really Kenny's bat...I mean MAN cave), 3 bedrooms! *guests please invite yourselves* (including my CRAFT room! :) and of course 2 baths! We love our first little starter....to future rent house home!

Please come & see us (often!)

Back to Reality!

Well, after a super long sabbatical from my blog, I'm finally back! AND - since I have 1 follower that shouldn't be tooo bad for the rest of my future fans! Gotta laugh about that one! So without further ado, I'd like to sum up the last couple of months in a few bullet points...
  • Following a 6 month stint with NO job...I found 2 amazing jobs!! Which meant 80 hour weeks during the months of October - December!
  • I currently work as a Sr. Manager at a home interiors store - which I love and hate all in the same hour!
  • Kenny still works for a bank...(hint...what's in your wallet?) - but is AVIDLY looking every day for another one!
  • We bought a house towards the end of April!! Woo hoo! And love working on it and making it our own!
  • Mom & Ronny (along with us) will be moving out of the rent house ... into their own apartment! Which means that after 3 1/2 years of marriage, we'll be ALONE! We won't know what to do with ourselves! BUT, we are extremely excited! **Note: we absolutely love our family and don't regret any of the memories we've shared, please do not take this as mean or in bad terms!**
  • We're still learning how to be grown ups and STILL trying to figure out what to do with our lives!
  • NO we're not pregnant nor will we be pregnant soon!
Hope this kinda catches you up to speed! I need to update this more and I really think that I will since it will include our UPDATES to our home! We love this fixer upper...and it just HAPPENED to be on the same street as our rent home! Godcidental! So stick with me..AGAIN...and I promise to keep you updated! Ha!

Love always,
the newlyweds (again!)