Friday, August 21, 2009

Good Morning!!

Well, it's Day 1 of my fast (I'm giving up procrastination & facebook! - which works hand in hand), and God is talking to me!!! If you know me at all, you know that I am typically one that speaks about God but doesn't go on about Him - well since we've moved I've had the desire to spend time reading about Him, Studying His word, and working with God's motives first. This is completely new to me - and the fact that we are dealing with some trials right now is all too familiar - unfortunately! Don't we always just RUN to Him when times are tough? Well, I am so thankful that He takes us back, because truly I know that I don't deserve it! If you are new to this blog (which everyone is because I just started it...) this will be a daily commitment on my part - to keep you informed about the happenings in the M&M world!! Here's just a quick rundown on my current life:

WE currently live in SPRING, TEXAS!

We moved here after second time trying (the first one ended poorly when our Home builders went out of's us...thinking we were getting the original house!

God had other plans!! We rethought everything, moved back to Louisiana and waited for God to say - MOVE! So, yet again we found that we had the opportunity to we did - we were obedient...and NOW - we're here! My brother (R) and Mom (L) live with us - so needless to say...we have a lot of people in our home! Plus we have 3 dogs and a cat, I think we could say that our life is a three ring circus!! :)

Kenny has be so completely wonderful throughout everything and I chose to believe that they are still living with us today because God has great plans for us! Here's my mom and brother on Thanksgiving 2006 -
My mom's story is amazing, a small believer in God - she endured 5 strokes and a brain aneurysm following the birth of my brother 13 years ago - something that my brother lives in guilt over - from an independent to a dependent woman - she's had many trials and tribulations but has trusted God for about 10 out of the 13! She's currently working with some godly women to write a book about her life - something that we are excited about!!

Kenny, my wonderful hubby and I are pictured below:

We've been married almost 3 glorious years and he's such as blessing to me - he knows what I need and is SO supportive in everything that I do!

Since we've moved, we've had some set backs, upsets, and falling in order to get up...but through it all God is strengthening us! He is mighty to save, and I know that HE is bigger than any bank account, bill, illness, injury, or even the devil himself!

I have been so involved in the word of God, here's what I read that really spoke to me -

This was found in the book of Proverb - I spent almost all night reading the entire book!! 24:27, 30-34!

First, finish your outside work and prepare your fields.
After that, you can build your house.

- wowo, what a concept - that's why God said...not this time to our house, our fields weren't prepared!

I passed by a lazy person's field
and by the vineyard of someone with no sense
Thorns had grown up everywhere.
The ground was covered with weeds
and the stone walls had fallen down.
I thought about what I had seen;
I learned this lesson from what I saw.
You sleep a little, you take a nap.
You fold your hands and lie down to rest.
Soon you will be as poor as if you had been robbed;
you will have as little as if you had been held up.

This so spoke to me - thank God for my business, because after 100+ applications being put in ... and nothing - it was God that put this business in my path...because HE knew and now that I've put my faith in Him and I am working...blessings will come.

We love all of you so very much,
Please know that we are praying for you - hoping that you'll do the same for us!

With love,